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NY Lash Supply Keratin Lash & Brow Lift Kit


    1 )CLEAN & PREP - Wipe away any oil and makeup residue from the brow.

    2) LIFT - Apply #1 Lift solution with a microbrush in an upward motion . Once all hairs are fully coated leave on brows for 6-10 minutes depending on thickness and sensitivity of hair.  Clean any excess soulution off skin before starting timer. Apply cling wrap over brows to hold brows in place. Once hairs are relaxed, remove with a dry cotton pad.

    3)Fix- Apply #2 Fixing lotion on brow hair evenly with microbrush. Process for the same amount of time as #1 Lift Solution. Remove with a dry cotton pad.

    4)Nourish- Apply a minimal amount of #3 Nourishing Keratin Boost Serum with a microbrush to brows and brush upwards with spoolie for desired look.

    5) ENJOY your finished look and remember brows must stay dry for the first 24 hours!



    1) Clean & Prep- Wipe away any oil and makeup residue from the eye area with Cleanser and a cotton pad. Once clean and dry stick an eye patch underneath each eye to hold bottom lashes down.  Gently position the correct sized silicone rod to the upper eyelid.  There are 5 silcone rod sizes - S,M,M1,M2, L 

    2) Stick- Apply lash glue balm to the whole front side of the silicone rod and using the metal tool gently place lashes upward onto the silicone rod.   Use the metal tool or the Y comb to separate lashes and ensure lashes are placed straight as this is how they will set.   Work in sections to ensure every lash is sticking to the rod.  Once all the lashes are to the rod, apply one more thin layer of glue over the top. Be sure no lashes are left out

    3) Lift- Apply step # 1 Lift lotion using a mirobrush from the root of the lash to 3/4 of the way up avoiding the lash tips and waterline. Cover lashes with cling film for 5-8 mins (5 mins for thin lashes, 8 mins for thick lashes.) Gently remove all lotion with same microbrush.

    4) Fix- Apply step #2 Fixing lotion using microbrush from the root to 3/4 of the way up to avoiding the lash tips and waterline. Process same time as Step #1. Gently remove all the lotion with the same microbrush.

    5) Nourish- Apply Step #3 Nourishing Keratin lotion using microbrush over all the lashes and let it sit for 2 minutes. Lashes should softly detach from rod. If some lashes are still attached, lightly dampen a cotton bud with warm water and gently rub to detach. Remove rods from eyelids and cleanse any remaining glue around the eyes with a damp cotton pad or qtip. Use a spoolie to brush upwards. Remember to not get lashes wet 24 hours after application.



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